Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Hey there, last night i had an encounter with some idiot from the Eastern states. He was telling me that i was poo at sniping and we were arguing over the mic.

I told him to add me so that we could sort out the incident and prove who was better at sniping. He added me and invited me to his lobby to play him off in a 1v1 sniping lobby game in a private match. My mates backed me up and watched me fight for the win. In total there was around 6 people watching our game.
It felt good to know that you when your good at something like this you have your mates watching you and trying to do what you know best.

Well the game started off good i was 3 kills up and he was on 1 kill. He snuck in a lot of cheap kills i think because when ever someone accidentally joined he would kill me when you are actually meant to stop playing.

After a few minutes later with some awesome shots the score was on 28 kills to me and 29 to him. He had one more kill to go and me two and the only way to win was to do a 360 shot for the game winning kill. He achieved this and i lost to defeat.

I still had a go at him for being cheeky and threatened that he better watch out if i ever knew who he was aha. But in the long run it was a good game and both of us played it fair and well.

^^^Above is the Intervention on the map rust on a 1v1. This is what it looks like to play 1v1.

I plan to play Rocky on 1v1 for my last blog and we can post about it the next day which i think will be fun to do.


  1. Haha told you that you were poo?=P
    Unlucky on the loss bud.. Maybe without some of his cheap kills you would've got a win.
    Hope you slaughter Rocky when you verse him=) Can't wait to here about it.

  2. Cool game.. Could you teach me how to play the game?

  3. Haha Jake...
    Hopefully it actually connects to you though, as it usually never does. But your going to lose mate :).
    If it doesn't work we can just try get Joseph to host or someone else.
    Can't wait :D

  4. mark mate this is a awsome blog but iv never played but im putting a challange down to you to vs me B...say what in abit of 1 on 1 get back to me xooxox

  5. Sounds like it is fun.
    good luck with your blogging!

  6. rocky mate it will be a good game but come on your no match against the infamous aha. Yeah brent mate will do 1 on 1 but still ill take you on with out a controller aha x
